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7 Surprising Foods That Are Staining Your Teeth

And How to Keep Eating Them While Reducing Their Impact on Your Pearly Whites

Wine, coffee and tea – it’s the trifecta of tooth-staining foods that almost everyone knows to avoid in order to protect their pearly whites. These beverages, however, are just the beginning of a long list of foods that can sabotage your smile, and chances are that many are flying undetected right under your very nose! From condiments to candy, put these sneaky offenders on your radar to keep tooth discoloration at bay.

Common Tooth-Staining Foods

  1. Tomato-Based Meals
    The high acidity level of tomatoes coupled with their bright red color can pack quite the punch on the enamel of your teeth. From your mom’s homemade spaghetti sauce or soup, or your favorite brand of ketchup, constant exposure to even the smallest of doses can be damaging.
  2. Curries
    As rich in color as they are in flavor, many spice blends rank high in staining power, due to brightly colored ingredients such as turmeric and saffron. Over time, their pigments can leave a yellowish tint on your teeth.
  3. Dark Sauces
    Whether it’s food infused with soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, or other dark liquid, you can bet that eating enough of it will also dim your smile. If it’s the base of your meal, there’s a definite risk to the enamel of your teeth, but even side dips can be just as harmful because they are often more concentrated.
  4. Clear Soda
    Dark sodas already get a lot of notoriety for discoloring teeth, but don’t switch to clear soda just yet! While its lighter color can make it seem like the better choice for those who love soda, it’s still high in sugars that can eat away at tooth enamel and leave them prone to staining.
  5. Fruit Juices and Berries
    Fruit is undeniably nutritious, and many juices now come with no sugar added, but fructose is still a form of sugar, and it is bad news for tooth enamel. In fact, the darker color of certain fruits and juices such as blueberry or grape can have a staining effect similar to wine.
  6. Sports Drinks
    Because their makers often do a masterful job of promoting rehydration and electrolyte replacement, it’s easy to overlook the sugar content and bright, fluorescent colors. Similar to soda and fruit juice, however, both the pigment and sugary nature of these drinks can leave your teeth less than white in no time.
  7. Hard Candies and Popsicles
    If they can turn your tongue into a rainbow of colors in a matter of seconds, just think of what they can do to your teeth! Even if consumed occasionally, prolonged sucking puts the surface of your teeth in direct contact with sugar, acid and dye resulting in tooth decay as well as discoloration.

Tips To Prevent Tooth Staining
Cutting out many of these problem foods can go a long way in keeping your smile sparkling, but it may be unrealistic to avoid certain foods completely. Here’s how you can help protect your teeth from sugary, acidic and/or colorful food:

  • Eat thoroughly, but quickly to minimize any contact with the tooth’s surface
  • Use a straw to help bypass most of your teeth when drinking beverages
  • Drink plenty of water during and after meals to wash away food particles
  • Brush and floss your teeth after meals to help prevent stains from setting in
  • Use whitening toothpaste to help remove stains and keep teeth sparkling

Professional Treatment Options
In addition to practicing good hygiene and being more mindful about your diet choices, professional dental care can do wonders in keeping your smile bright. Seeing your dentist regularly for a cleaning and checkup can help prevent and detect tooth staining, and there are many cosmetic whitening procedures that can remedy existing discoloration, whether mild or severe. Schedule a visit with your dentist for the optimal treatment plan for you.

Sources: Women’s Health Magazine, WebMD

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