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Aftercare For Your Recent Tooth Extraction

When you have dental surgery, it’s not something that you can just get over instantly. Your body needs some downtime and there are certain things you need to follow in order to get better and back to normality as soon as possible. Here are some tips for caring for yourself after a tooth extraction:


Take It Easy

The first rule and probably the most common when it comes to any type of surgery or procedure is to take it easy. You might need to take a few days off on the couch or at least stop anything you’d usually do on a daily basis that might cause injury or cause too much strain on the body. Try to take each day as it comes and don’t put too much pressure on yourself. The more you try and do your normal routine, the more you could be hindering your recovery process and possibly having to revisit the dental practice. Remember that rest is important whenever your body has been put in physical strain, surgery being one of them.


Follow The Aftercare Advice

Every dental procedure or extraction will have some aftercare advice that your dentist will likely recommend. When it comes to tooth extraction aftercare, there’s likely to be a number of steps you’ll need to take to ensure that the recovery process goes as it should and that whatever has been done, completely heals. Follow this advice to the letter and don’t simply dismiss or ignore it. Your dentist is giving you this information for a reason, and it’s worth taking it seriously.


Eat Soft Foods

You’ll often have dental procedures where you might not be able to eat solid foods for a certain amount of time and just to be safe, it’s worth taking it easy when it comes to your food intake. Any type of dental procedure is worth restricting your food intake to soft foods or fluids just in those initial recovery periods. By avoiding solid foods, you reduce the risk of stitches coming undone or knocks to teeth or areas that are still healing. This can be especially the cause for tooth extraction.


Brush Carefully

Brushing your teeth is an essential part of keeping your oral health nice and healthy. With that in mind, it’s worth brushing your teeth carefully and being very cautious about how you brush your mouth. Think of the affected area and navigate slowly around it. Have patience, and if you’re concerned, then it’s worth speaking to your dentist about how to make sure you’re doing it right. No one wants to be in a situation where they’ve bumped something, and you’re bleeding profusely. That’s no fun to deal with, especially at the end of a day! Be wary of how you’re brushing your teeth but also keep in mind that the teeth need to be cleaned properly to keep them clean.

Whenever you have dental surgery, whether it’s tooth extractions or root canals, make sure you are following the advice given to you both before and after the surgery. If you have any more questions about aftercare for a tooth extraction, please give us a call at (651) 636-0655.

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