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Can You Score 100% On This Fact or Fiction Quiz?

Take the Quiz on Oral Health and You Could Win a $50 Visa Gift Card!

The American Dental Association has a great website resource for oral health care called Mouth Healthy. They have a quick five-question fact or fiction quiz that features the following statements:

It’s OK to whiten my teeth at home if I have staining.
If I’m not having any pain in my mouth, there’s no need to see a dentist.
You can outgrow tooth decay.
People should floss once a week.
White teeth are healthy teeth.

Answer fact or fiction on each one and see if you can score 100% on this quiz.
And to encourage you to take the quiz and keep your mouth healthy, we’re offering a $50 Visa gift card in our Fact or Fiction contest. To enter, send us a screenshot of how you did on the Fact or Fiction quiz. You can email us with your screenshot at [email protected]. Be sure to put “Fact or Fiction” Contest in the subject line. We’ll select a winner and post it to Facebook and contact you if you win.
You’ll find the quiz at the Mouth Healthy website. The link is on the left hand side!
All entries are due by 6 p.m. on December 5th, 2014.

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