Good Nutrition = Good Oral Health
Research shows that healthy teeth and good oral health are directly linked to what you eat and drink on a daily basis. Take this nutrition quiz and see how many you can get correct and more importantly, how many you have integrated into your daily life.
1.How many servings of vegetables do we need each day?
A) 6-11 B) 2-3 C) 3-5 D) 1-2
2. What Vitamin is known as sunshine vitamin?
A) Vitamin D B) Vitamin K C) Vitamin C D) Vitamin B12
3. What is fluoride?
A) A man-made chemical B) A natural mineral found in drinking water C) A volcanic ash D) Bacteria
4. Which of the following nutrients is needed to build and maintain the structural components of the body?
A) Carbohydrates B) Fat C) Fiber D) Protein
5. The dairy group (milk, cheese and yogurt) are important for_____?
A) Healthy skin B) Improved vision C) Building strong bones and teeth D) Building muscle
6. Foods from the meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts group are an important source of ________?
A) Iron B) Fiber C) Beta Carotene D) Calcium
7. Which of these is NOT considered a nutrient?
A) Vitamins B) Minerals C) Fiber D) Fats
8. Which of these is added to the food label because people sometimes don’t eat ENOUGH of this?
A) Fat B) Calcium C) Sodium D) Cholesterol
9. Which of these foods or drink have antibacterial qualities that help prevent tooth decay?
A) Green Tea B) Coffee C) Broccoli D) Lemons
10. This nutrient is needed for a healthy immune system.
A) Fiber B) Vitamin K C) Fluoride D) Vitamin C
11. If you do not get enough iron…
A) Your skin will be dry and flaky B) Your eyesight will be poor C) You will feel tired and weak D) You will have soft bones
12. Eating too many sugary foods may cause. . .
A) Diabetes B) Hypertension C) Tooth decay D) Hair Loss
See below for answer key.
Answer Key:
1) C 2) A 3) B 4) D 5) C 6) A 7) C 8) B 9) A 10) D 11) C 12) C