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Dental Discoloration: Causes and Best Solutions

Making a Few Lifestyle Changes May Prevent Tooth Discoloration

There are plenty of factors that can cause temporary or permanent tooth discolorations. First, there is the extrinsic discoloration, which means that your teeth get discolored because of external factors.
For example, if you consume caffeinated beverages, red wine, cola or you are smoking – these can all cause temporary discoloration and staining of your teeth. Dentists highly advise patients who consume such beverages to rinse their mouth with water every time after the consumption of a glass of wine or a cola. This way, you will not allow the harmful particles to stick to your teeth and cause staining.
Teeth can also get discolored because of intrinsic causes. This means that the staining is caused by an internal factor. The internal structure of your tooth called the dentin will get discolored (yellowish), and this type of staining is much more difficult to deal with. Some of the main causes on intrinsic staining include:

Taking prescription pills, especially minocycline antibiotics.
If the patient has been exposed to large amounts of fluoride during childhood, the dentin can also get discolored years later because of this exposure.
A health condition known as dentinogenesis imperfect. This health condition causes your teeth to get that gray and purple discoloration.
As a result of the natural aging process, our teeth cannot maintain that beautiful and shiny ivory/white color for all our life. As we age, our entire body suffers transformations.

How to Avoid/Prevent Staining
In order to avoid the staining of the dentin and of course the thinning of it, you should keep in mind the following:

Rinse your mouth with pure water every time you get the occasion.
Use toothpaste which has in its composition whitening agents, and also use an antibacterial/whitening mouthwash regularly.
Using proper tooth brushing and flossing techniques.
Avoid the foods and beverages that cause stains.
Consider bondings or veneers.
Use in-home whitening agents purchased from your dentist.

In Office Dental Whitening/Bleaching
The two main methods of professional whitening are tray whitening and in-office whitening. In tray whitening, an impression is taken by your dentist and a custom tray is made for the patient. Then, a supply of whitening gel is given to the patient and he/she wears the tray for a few hours each day (techniques differ) for a period of time until an acceptable result is achieved. Sensitivity of the teeth is a normal side-effect of this whitening method and is almost always transitional.
On the other hand, in-office whitening is the most efficient means of whitening. There are a number of different types used, but the process is very similar for these methods; you can have your teeth whitened in one session and achieve significant results. Your dentist can give you more detailed information and help you decide which method is more suitable for you and your teeth.
Professional dental whitening has the power to remove even intrinsic stains, thanks to the maximum strength of the peroxide gel to penetrate the tooth. Just talk to your dentist about the suitable whitening options if you struggle with stained teeth.

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