Wisdom Teeth Removal

The extraction of wisdom teeth is a standard procedure. However, many of us are unfamiliar with wisdom teeth. What are wisdom teeth, and what do they do? What are the signs that your child’s wisdom teeth need to be removed? These are all excellent questions that Dr. Kyle Hunt, Dr. Walter Hunt, and Dr. Andrew Heinisch can answer. If you are looking for wisdom teeth removal in Roseville, MN, come to Personal Care Dentistry.

Wisdom Teeth Removal 101

Our team may recommend a wisdom tooth extraction when your children reach their late adolescence. Although wisdom teeth extractions aren’t required for everyone, we are the wisdom tooth removal experts, and we will handle the procedure with skill and achieve effective results when they are.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth, despite their name, do not make people wiser. They get their name from the fact that they come in when the rest of the adult teeth have already come in, by which time one is expected to have gained some wisdom. Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars most people get in their late teens or early twenties. 

Wisdom teeth are not entirely unuseful. However, they were more useful for our ancestors. Wisdom teeth were once essential for grinding and chewing raw, tough foods. Wisdom teeth are of little use now that we can cook our food. Since they can crowd our mouths, it is better to remove them.

When Should I Remove My Wisdom Teeth?

We may need to extract wisdom teeth for various reasons. For some people, these teeth erupt without any problems. However, wisdom teeth can cause several issues for most people, including pain, infection, and crowding of the other teeth. 

Because wisdom teeth aren’t required for oral function, they can crowd your other teeth or grow sideways when they emerge in early adulthood. We want to make sure they don’t jeopardize your teeth’s alignment or compromise past dental treatments when this happens. Patients frequently come to us because their wisdom teeth have become impacted, causing pain in the gums, teeth, and headaches. If you are experiencing any pain or discomfort, you should have your wisdom teeth removed.

The following are some of the most common reasons for wisdom tooth extractions:

  • Disease in the gums
  • Infection
  • Crowding in the mouth
  • Damage to nearby teeth
  • Decaying teeth
  • Pain
  • Damage to the jaw

Removal Process

The first step in the wisdom teeth removal process is to schedule a consultation with our team. During this appointment, we will likely take X-rays of your mouth to get a better idea of the position of your wisdom teeth and whether or not they need to be removed.

Once we determine that we need to remove your wisdom teeth, the next step is to schedule the actual procedure. Wisdom teeth removal is usually performed under local anesthesia, which numbs the area around your teeth so that you don’t feel any pain during the process.

After we numb you, your dentist will make small incisions in your gums to expose the wisdom teeth. Once we remove the teeth, your dentist will clean the area and close up the incisions with stitches.

Recovery After Wisdom Teeth Removal

After your wisdom teeth have been removed, it’s essential to take care of yourself to recover quickly and minimize your risk for complications. Here are a few things you should do: 

You’ll likely feel tired after your procedure, so get plenty of rest. 

Avoid chewing hard foods or crunchy foods that can irritate your incisions. Stick to soft foods like soup, mashed potatoes, and yogurt. 

Smoking can delay healing and increase your risk for infection. If you smoke cigarettes or cigars, try to abstain from smoking for at least 24 hours after your surgery. 

You may experience pain and discomfort after surgery. Take over-the-counter pain medication like ibuprofen or acetaminophen as needed to help manage any pain you’re experiencing. 

  • Take pain medication as needed: You may experience pain and discomfort after surgery. Take over-the-counter pain medication like ibuprofen or acetaminophen as needed to help manage any pain you’re experiencing. 

Be sure to brush and floss regularly to avoid infection and promote healing. Your dentist may also give you special instructions on how to care for your mouth after surgery. 

You’ll likely need to see us for a follow-up appointment a week or two after surgery so they can check on your healing progress. 

Roseville Wisdom Teeth Removal

Extracting wisdom teeth is a standard surgery many teenagers and adolescents undergo. Our team is committed to making the treatment as safe and painless as possible for you and your child. Call today to schedule a consultation on wisdom teeth removal in Roseville and the long-term oral health benefits it can provide.

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